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Ministry Council of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church

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Project Name: ENGAGE

The ENGAGE process has been created to help local churches determine how to organize and minister to their stakeholders more effectively. It has been used successfully in a variety of contexts, including rural and urban churches, and with churches in the process of a pastoral search. As a faith organization, an ENGAGED congregation cultivates a deep spirituality and love for the surrounding community. ENGAGE helps a congregation to develop measurable goals, develop a plan of action to engage in meaningful opportunities that produce spiritual, physical, and financial growth in the church, and helps enhance their commitment to the surrounding community by developing ministries that minister and witness effectively in the name of Jesus Christ. Congregations that complete the ENGAGE process will better understand themselves and be able to discern the ministry and outreach most suited to the church’s resources and passions. With this crucial concept developed, the result is an empowered ministry with an increased understanding of the congregation’s mission, vision, and goals for the community and themselves. Churches with this knowledge can confidently identify and call a like-minded pastor, creating a longer, more substantial, and fruitful relationship between the pastor, the congregation, and the community.

Location: Cordova, TN
geographic scope: National
Contact Information
Contact: Rev. Dr. Christopher Fleming