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Missouri Conference of The United Methodist Church

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Project Name: Congregations in Action

The Congregations in Action Program leads congregations through a two-year, structured organizational learning process that centers on active missional engagement. This process has three main project phases: 1) Recognizing Change, 2) Clarifying Mission, and 3) Cultivating Practices. Phase one begins with the question “Who is My Neighbor?” Congregations are led through a discovery process with the help of external experts as they learn about their community. Resources help congregations consider demographic reports, confront biases, and connect with the surrounding community. Sermon materials related to the Parable of the Good Samaritan accompany this phase as congregations think theologically in weekly worship. Phase two takes the question of who is my neighbor to the next level and asks, “What Might I Do?” However, instead of jumping to action, congregations engage in longer and deeper listening with the wider community. They partner with two universities in Missouri who look at communities with particular disciplinary lenses. Congregations are challenged to become localized theological anthropologists while considering their own visible and invisible communal commitments. Sermon materials explore Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26- 40) to connect these themes. The third phase of the project moves to action. Congregations are awarded $10,000 to design and implement a project focused on communities outside of the church. Congregations are supported by conversation partners, peer groups, and Missouri Conference staff during this phase of the program. This phase develops alongside a sermon series centered on the Three General Rules that governed early Methodist societies: Do No Harm, Do Good, Stay in Love with God. In this final phase, congregations focus on how lessons learned may inform ministry and work with the community in the years to come.

Location: Columbia, MO
geographic scope: Regional
Contact Information
Contact: Dr. Lucas Endicott