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Duke University Divinity School

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Project Name: Community Craft Collaborative

The Community Craft Collaborative is poised to catalyze the new mindsets, competencies, and tools that congregational leaders, lay and ordained, will need to faithfully adapt their ministries to contexts of increasing complexity, volatility, and vulnerability. Designed as a regional partnership between Duke Divinity School and congregations from across Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, the Collaborative intentionally brings together clusters of congregations representative of the distinctive racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and denominational makeup of the Protestant Church across the three primary geographic areas that constitute Duke’s primary catchment area and home region. To serve and strengthen this region, the Collaborative includes three mutually reinforcing activities, each co-designed and piloted by the Collaborative’s members: (1) a cohort-based series of learning communities operating as a regional Collaborative learning together across and beyond their primary referent groups; (2) a learning module-based curriculum series for lay and clergy leaders that is customized to meet the needs of particular kinds of congregational communities and settings; and (3) certificate and stackable credit pathways of learning and training that fit with bi-vocational realities of most laity and many clergy in these communities.

Location: Durham, NC
geographic scope: Regional
Contact Information
Contact: Elizabeth S. Howze