January 24, 2023
One Black church’s COVID-19 response: ‘Alleviate, educate, activate’
Faced with the viral pandemic, the response by some churches reinforces the important role they still play in the Black community, writes a Brooklyn pastor.
learn more about One Black church’s COVID-19 response: ‘Alleviate, educate, activate’September 20, 2022
Learning to speak more honestly in meetings
What would you say for a PayDay bar? A lighthearted exercise using peanut-encrusted candy as a reward is remarkably effective in helping people speak more honestly in public, writes a human resources specialist.
learn more about Learning to speak more honestly in meetingsHolly K. Oxhandler: Caring for others’ spirituality starts with cultivating your own
Caregivers must be able to recognize the image of God within themselves in order to care for it within others, says the author of a recent book.
learn more about Holly K. Oxhandler: Caring for others’ spirituality starts with cultivating your ownJuly 12, 2022
Dorothy C. Bass: Christian practices and a way of life abundant
The influential book “Practicing Our Faith” and other works it inspired continue to be pertinent today. A new website invites a new generation to explore Christian practices vital to faithful living.
learn more about Dorothy C. Bass: Christian practices and a way of life abundant