March 7, 2023
Public health from the pulpit: First steps for clergy to help create healthier communities
The gap between clergy and health professionals is hard to bridge, but pastors and Christian leaders can begin with some simple steps to help their communities flourish, writes a public health professional.
learn more about Public health from the pulpit: First steps for clergy to help create healthier communitiesJanuary 24, 2023
One Black church’s COVID-19 response: ‘Alleviate, educate, activate’
Faced with the viral pandemic, the response by some churches reinforces the important role they still play in the Black community, writes a Brooklyn pastor.
learn more about One Black church’s COVID-19 response: ‘Alleviate, educate, activate’September 26, 2022
Rediscovering rest in all its forms
We live in a culture of exhaustion and sometimes don’t even know what type of rest we need.
learn more about Rediscovering rest in all its formsSeptember 26, 2022
Tito Madrazo: ‘God in the crucible of migration’
The close connection between the lived experiences of Hispanic/Latinx pastors in the United States and the lived experiences of their congregants creates a powerful dynamic in preaching, author Tito Madrazo says in this interview about his new book, “Predicadores: Hispanic Preaching and Immigrant Identity.”
learn more about Tito Madrazo: ‘God in the crucible of migration’