Grantee Directory

Central Baptist Theological Seminary

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Project Name: ReShaping Church

ReShaping Church is an intentional, guided, one-year process to support congregations and leaders who seek to make the most of this unique moment in time and transform a season of uncertainty and crisis into an opportunity for clarity, growth, transformation, and mission. With the aid of a congregational coach and the discernment from all-church learning, ReShaping Church seeks to come alongside churches as they seek their own unique answers to questions like, “What is God doing in these days? Who are we as a people of God? Where is God calling us to serve? How can we become all that God purposes us to be?” The ReShaping Church idea and congregational process arose out of the early weeks of the pandemic, when Central joined Pinnacle Leadership Associates in delivering a series of webinars. The congregational process is intended to help churches resist the urge to snap back to pre-pandemic thinking and to courageously seek God’s leading in this tremendous opportunity for adapting to a new normal with all its ministry possibilities. The first cohort of 12 churches includes American Baptist congregations in Kansas, Indiana, and Wisconsin, as well as a United Church of Christ body in Ohio and Presbyterian churches in South Carolina. Beyond 2021, ReShaping Church has the capacity for 12-16 additional congregations in 2022-2024.

Location: Shawnee, KS
geographic scope: Regional
Contact Information
Contact: Jessica Williams