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Christ Episcopal Church

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Project Name: The Narthex: Developing Digital Capacity for the Analog Church

The Narthex is a project of Christ Church Denver (, in partnership with Caffeinated Church (, seeking to develop the digital capacity of mainline, sacramental, liturgical churches for prudent virtual engagement. Furthering the pandemic-prompted trajectory of online ministry, this five-year project begins with a pilot group of six Episcopal and Lutheran peer-mentoring congregations, then broadens out to a 31-church network with four foci: 1) Digital Ministry Assessment + Strategic Planning: Working with the Unstuck Group, pilot congregations will establish an assessment baseline for current online offerings and a common framework for planning intentional digital offerings. 2) Curating + Creating Online Content: Christ Church Denver will curate and create digital resources to reach a rising generation of “nones,” catechize new believers, and encourage whole-life discipleship. 3) Capital Subgrants + Learning Cohorts: Broadening out the parish network from an initial six to an additional 25 (in 2027), pilot churches will solicit subgrant applications for a larger peer-mentoring network, sharing learnings and best practices for digital ministry. 4) Training + Capacity Building: Lay and ordained network leaders will offer peer-to-peer, parish-to-parish consultation, with all resources widely and freely disseminated through various online forums (e.g., Caffeinated Church’s resource hub, commblog, and forum) to multiply impact. Our end goal for this project is threefold: 1) virtual community-engaging content (aimed especially at the “nones” where they are––i.e., online), providing resources to explore the life questions they are asking; 2) digital whole-life discipleship resources reacquainting existing believers with ancient faith practices, accessible online and relevant to their Monday-through-Saturday lives and mission fields; 3) a learning cohort of like-minded mainline churches committed to ongoing peer-mentoring.

Location: Denver, CO
geographic scope: National
Contact Information
Contact: Joseph Wolyniak