Fifty-one Cooperative Baptist Fellowship congregations were invited into learning experiences in community with three or four other congregations for an intense one-year journey. Congregations participating in these communities represent the wide range of types of congregations present in the Fellowship, and the learning communities are intentionally recruited to make sure participating congregations are drawn into community with compatible congregations, as each seeks more faithful thriving. Each congregation has opportunities to cultivate five qualities of thriving, which include compelling clarity, faithful agility, holy tenacity, rooted relationship, and dynamic collaboration. Participating congregations see more clearly their own powerful gifts, uniting convictions alongside the needs and opportunities in their changing contexts. Congregations also design new ministries that fully utilize their gifts to meet an urgent need through a holy experiment. Throughout these journeys, congregations engage with one another in leadership team retreats while also inviting their entire congregation into deeper encounters with Scripture, theological convictions, and Christian practices.
Project Name:
Thriving Congregations Initiative
Decatur, GA
geographic scope: