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Project Name: Journey to Thriving

Our Church Mobilization Initiative has brought together hundreds of churches and provided resources and training for them to seek community flourishing. Through our Durham Pilgrimage of Pain and Hope program, we have led over 600 Durham residents on a transformative journey of encountering their local context through the Christian practice of pilgrimage. Our programs emphasize a thoughtful attention to place, a truthful reckoning with history, a posture of listening to the community, and collaboration between multiple sectors of the community. This project lays out a five-year vision for deepening and expanding the work of DurhamCares in these program areas, with a focus on using the practice of pilgrimage to help congregations know their context, reflect on their congregational identity, and create an Adaptive Plan. Journey to Thriving will do this through three cohorts of six congregations who participate in the Durham Pilgrimage of Pain and Hope, take part in a Learning Cohort, and create a concrete plan to adapt to their changing context.

Location: Durham, NC
geographic scope: Local
Contact Information
Contact: Sheritta Williams, Michael Jones