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Grantee Directory

FCS Urban Ministries

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Project Name: City Shapers

FCS Urban Ministries is proud to have established a national reputation as a multifaceted community development organization that creates healthy, sustainable, and restorative communities, and they are committed to sharing their expertise by training churches and other organizations on how to better understand and partner with their local contexts. Over the five-year grant period, City Shapers is launching learning communities in 12 cities, bringing together up to 10 churches in each location for two years of intensive engagement. Cohort members participate in three eight-month modules focused on the three ā€œAā€™sā€ -- assessing their own congregations and the unique dynamics of the communities in which they are rooted, aligning congregational and community voices around shared objectives that reflect the results of the assessment, and activating plans and initiatives for the mutual thriving of their congregations and community. Congregations are equipped with the tools and personalized support they need to evaluate their own strengths, examine and understand their communities, and adapt their ministries accordingly. They learn to do so in a way that fully and collaboratively engages their community, so that they come away with a renewed mission paradigm, clearer sense of congregational identity, more effective programming, and authentic relationships that lead to congregations and communities that thrive together. As FCS walks alongside up to 120 congregations over the five-year grant period, they are building a fully-realized, scalable, sustainable model with robust content that will continue to impact congregations and communities across the United States well beyond the grant period.

Location: Atlanta, GA
geographic scope: National
Contact Information
Contact: Shawn Duncan