Grantee Directory

Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary

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Project Name: Thriving Congregations in New England

As part of the seminary's ongoing mission to serve its alumni and their congregations, this grant helps build a coalition of partners to form a scalable program model, train 18-24 consultants to lead congregational triads in revisioning processes, and create 12 congregational triads for the purpose of learning and revisioning their congregational ministries. By the end of the grant period, 36 congregations will have engaged in two-year learning processes to understand their changing contexts, clarify their values and mission, and align their ministries with their context, mission, and historic Christian practices. Church leaders representing an additional 70-90 congregations engage in portions of the process. The program includes a multiethnic mixture of urban, suburban, and rural New England churches. That broad combination allows for learning that will be transferable to other contexts.

Location: South Hamilton, MA
geographic scope: Regional
Contact Information
Contact: Virginia Ward