Ignite Church Planting has a more than 100-year history and is uniquely positioned to help non-denominational Christian Churches in the greater Chicagoland area to thrive in a post-pandemic world. This new program, Ignite Thriving Churches (ITC), is a new department of Ignite Church Planting. The organization’s core focus remains starting new churches, and this new branch of Ignite is focused on helping existing non-denominational Christian Churches in Chicagoland. The program functions according to three key steps: evaluation, training, and coaching. The first step is evaluation, as many congregations must consider if they are healthy. And yet, simply knowing the issues is not enough, so the second step of training allows church members and church leaders to gain the needed tools to address their unique context. From navigating immigration or racial and ethnic issues to exploring how to connect to the youngest generations, churches need new ways of thinking and new strategies to minister to the current culture. Even this step of having knowledge is not enough, as change happens best in the context of a supportive community. This is the third step of the program, coaching from both peers and mentors, which provides encouragement and accountability to church leaders. Helping churches thrive must include a direct effort to assist church leaders, and coaching relationships to give them the resources that they need. ITC works with Christian Churches in Chicagoland through this three-step process to help them to thrive.
Project Name:
Ignite Thriving Churches
Chicago, IL
geographic scope: