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Instituto de Formacion Fe y Vida

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Project Name: Thriving Catholic Parishes Through a Dynamic, Integrative and Continuous Ministry with Young People

Instituto Fe y Vida is a Catholic, nimble, and strategic ministry founded in 1994 by the De La Salle Christian Brothers and a group of Hispanic pastoral professionals. Its mission is to equip pastoral ministers, young adult leaders, and parents for the evangelization of young Catholic Latinos. The purpose of the Thriving Catholic Parishes Program is to help parishes with a significant Latino population to thrive, thanks to a dynamic, integrative, and continuous ministry with young people, including parishioners from other ethnic groups. The TCP has three stages: preparation, implementation, and groundwork for sustainability. A core team, a leadership team, and the broader parish community, particularly parents, will participate in processes leading to: (a) assessing external and internal social and cultural changes that impact the community; (b) revitalizing ministry with young people to nurture their human and Christian development as they take on an active role and leadership in the parish; and (c) developing a pastoral plan with clear parish values, priorities, goals, and organizational restructuring to achieve them. In year four of the grant, a national convocation with delegates from the parishes in the cohorts, national leaders, and members of Fe y Vida’s pastoral team will gather the learning community to enhance the TCP and export best practices.

Location: Stockton, CA
geographic scope: National
Contact Information
Contact: Juan Escarfuller