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Kingdom Causes Bellflower

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Project Name: Church of the City - A Thriving Congregations Initiative

The purpose of this program is to establish a robust, collaborative network of local churches who are committed to research, listening, active learning, mutual support, and impactful community development programming that aligns with their missional identity and Biblical calling. The network will focus primarily on equipping and inspiring congregational leaders to mobilize their constituencies and engage with the tangible needs of their proximate neighborhoods. An overarching goal is to map mission to practice and to tangibly live out the principle of, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” as stated in Mark 12:31. Ministering to faithful worship attendees and other internal ministries is a key component of church life. This should be paired with an ongoing vision of the whole church taking the whole gospel to the whole city.

Location: Bellflower, CA
geographic scope: Local
Contact Information
Contact: Andrew San Nicolas