Grantee Directory

Latin American Bible Institute College

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Project Name: Learning Communities and Hispanic Churches

Established in 1926, LABI College is the oldest accredited Hispanic Bible College in the country. For more than 94 years, LABI has been dedicated to training pastors for the church and world. In recent years, LABI has focused on supporting congregations thrive at different stages of church development. LABI is poised to launch a historic Hispanic church association designed to support and promote learning communities within and across Hispanic congregations. The launch of the Hispanic Association of Churches in Higher Education (HACHE) is slated to be one of the first associations of its kind in the country. There is no current national Christian Church association that addresses the issues of higher education and learning communities by and for the Hispanic population. There are specific theological agencies that focus on theological education, but there are none designed to focus on learning communities for Hispanic churches and their congregations. Additionally, there is no national organization focused on Hispanic Christian higher education. In addition to the launch of HACHE, this project includes assessment and measurement of congregational wellness, mental health needs, and counseling needs. The project draws upon access to over 300 churches, representing 80,000 church members within its geographic region and district, and over 1,600 current students across over 60 congregational-based learning sites.

Location: La Puente, CA
geographic scope: Regional
Contact Information
Contact: Marty Harris