Grantee Directory

Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Society

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Project Name: Thriving Congregations

The Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Society (Lott Carey) helps churches extend the Christian witness throughout the world. As a supporting missions society, Lott Carey “comes alongside” indigenously led churches and partners engaged in ministries of evangelism, compassion, empowerment, and advocacy with prayer partnership and technical support. This initiative expands the society's ability to strengthen congregational capacities in selected regions of the United States through training, mentoring, and designing replicable models for congregations to discern contexts, clarify purpose, and engage in relevant Christian practices to enhance vitality. Lott Carey's constituency is primarily African-American Baptist congregations east of the Mississippi River, and this project supports cohorts of Black churches in Northeast urban, Mid-Atlantic urban, Mid-Atlantic rural, and Southwestern post-hurricane contexts. The program provides quarterly instruction and monthly mentoring to help congregations understand contexts, clarify purpose, and engage Christian practices to strengthen congregational life and community engagement.

Location: Landover, MD
geographic scope: National
Contact Information
Contact: Emmett Lafayette Dunn