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Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

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Project Name: Practicing Healthy Youth Ministry

The Practicing Healthy Youth Ministry program will help congregations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) implement healthy ministry practices as they serve young people in their context. We believe that healthy youth ministry happens in healthy congregations and that thriving congregations will exhibit thriving youth ministry. LCMS Youth Ministry conducted research on the retention of LCMS Millennials in the Christian Church. From that research and conversation, resources, which included a book, were developed around the “Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry.” As confessional Lutherans, we also hold strongly to the Gospel of Jesus, and to our doctrine and practice.  When we combine these elements with life-giving intentional relationships, we see great ministry happen among people of all ages. The Thriving Congregations Initiative program begins by networking with and training 35-40 facilitators across our church body. The facilitators will be trained to interact with and build intentional relationships with youth ministry practitioners, LCMS districts and congregations over a five-year period. The program will aim to share wisdom and knowledge about the vision, goals, people, and resources that make these relationships beneficial for young people in their context. The program will also provide research about youth ministry post-Covid and with a new generation. The process will engage congregations in reflection on their ministry to and with young people, recognizing both strengths and opportunities for growth. Best practices will be identified and shared across congregations for mutual learning and for sharpening their mission to serve young people and their families. The input and conversations will be used to create (or enhance) current resources for all congregations to help them build relationships with youth and support them in mind, body and soul.  Ultimately the program hopes to encourage healthy and thriving youth ministry, which leads to the retention of young people in the church.

Location: St. Louis, MO
geographic scope: Regional
Contact Information
Contact: Mark Kiessling