Marian University's Initiative for Parish Renewal / Iniciativa Parrochial Renovación (Renovación) equips pastoral leadership teams to transform Latin@-serving parishes into thriving missionary communities, together with their congregations, in service to the world through theological education and innovative ministerial practices. It does this by supporting pastors in collaborative ministry, providing lay Latin@ leaders with theological education, leading parishioners through a retreat process of discernment and empowerment, creating small comunidades parroquiales to support the spiritual lives of families, implementing innovative mission plans with sensitivity to the needs of the parishes and to serve the local community, and gathering parishes for a fiesta of faith and experience of the larger Renovación experience. Through these programs, Renovación engages all areas of parish life in a comprehensive process of renewal, moving from the pastor to individual families in ways best suited for members of the congregation. Renovación equips parish leadership teams to lead with theologically rooted, innovative pastoral leadership practices, coming from and implemented with the community (teología y pastoral de y en conjunto), that empower them to embrace the "missionary option," promote transformational biblical leaders, and serve their local communities.
Project Name:
Initiative for Parish Renewal
Indianapolis, IN
geographic scope: