Grantee Directory

Metropolitan District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance

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Project Name: PEAK Program

The Metropolitan District, a regional district of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, currently supports the growth and vitality of 124 Alliance congregations. While we are planting numerous vibrant churches each year, many existing congregations are experiencing plateauing or declining attendance and lackluster ministry. We face a critical problem of net negative 6 percent growth among established congregations; sadly this is not a phenomenon unique to our Alliance family of churches. The PEAK Survey, created by the Metro District in 2017, fosters a culture of improvement through assessment by creating constructive dialogue and common language around church development. Rather than waiting until they face a plateau, decline, or crisis, PEAK enables our churches to become energized and positioned for healthy growth by unifying around the values it holds dear, its mission critical practices, and the needs of its community. The mission of PEAK is to see churches become thriving, multiplying congregations that promote holistic gospel transformation into communities. Our goal is to see 75 percent of our churches move from a plateaued or declined position into thriving growth through a systematic, strategic change process, using information and data provided by the PEAK Survey. PEAK will provide churches a developmental process to assess their current position (PEAK Survey), navigate sustainable change (PEAK Coaching), and build a thriving mission within their local context (PEAK Summits).

Location: Newark, NJ
geographic scope: Regional
Contact Information
Contact: Kelvin Walker