The North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church (NCCUMC), the governing body for UMC churches east of Burlington, N.C., will work to refine the Living the Word Ministry-Wilson model and replicate it in two additional N.C. counties. How do we live the Word? A jurisdictional body of members who are 97% white, the NCC-UMC established dismantling racism as one of its priorities during the tenure of Bishop Hope Morgan Ward. The goals of LtW are to develop and implement a collaborative community ministry; foster congregational leadership and vitality; develop church-to-church collaboration; and promote collaboration between congregations and other community organizations. Congregations self-identify, assess their own readiness to participate, and form congregational teams of 3-5 clergy and laity members to participate in LtW. Members form a congregational learning community and take part in a year-long process of reflection, discernment, and skill-building that begins with a series of asset assessments. The NCC-UMC will expand and refine the church leadership and vitality activities of the LtW ministry by developing the congregational learning and action program; hire an outside evaluator to help staff and participants refine core LtW-W model activities and outcomes; and replicate the LtW-W justice and equity ministry model in 2 additional counties.
Project Name:
Living the Word Ministry
Garner, NC
geographic scope: