As an innovation lab strategically positioned along the convergent margins of our Pacific Northwest ministries, movements, and institutions, Together Lab is nurturing and honing a liberative methodology that integrates design-thinking, community organizing, and mutual leadership accompaniment. Through nurturing a grassroots ecology of relationships and resource sharing among Oregon ministries and movements, we have piloted multiple small-scale prototype labs with shared ownership and buy-in that are leading to renewed congregational vitality and even several “new starts/ministries,” cultivating a network of over 1,500 individuals, clergy, and congregations throughout Oregon. We will now formalize Together Lab as a regional ecumenical hub for supporting innovations in effective culture shift and thriving congregational communities. Specifically, this will mean building capacity, infrastructure, and resourcing for Together Lab to: 1.) Accompany and empower partner congregations to develop and integrate the markers of thriving congregations into the whole of congregational life and organization; 2.) Equip partner congregations to become more leader-full, with a special eye towards laity and others on the margins of church; and 3.) Accompany each denominational partner to develop strategies for effectively promoting congregational vitality and leadership accompaniment in order to have a multiplying systems-level impact.
Together Lab’s Thriving Congregations Initiative
Portland, OR
Ron Werner