We will equip pastors and church leaders in the United States with the necessary support and tools to engage their congregations in environmental restoration as a spiritual practice; promoting increased vitality, relevance and discipleship. Our proposed program design will reconnect churches to the long tradition of Earthkeeping centered on three pillars: A simple entry point for churches; connecting eartkeeping to their ministry practices; and cultivating a community of like-minded ministry leaders. The key activities of this program are as follows: 1) CreationOne Day Experience: An entry into Earthkeeping as a Spiritual Practice. The core of this Thriving Churches initiative is a spiritually powerful (free) one-day experience (kit), designed for churches, youth groups, and more. This experience will be equally educational, inspirational and practical, designed to be a simple yet impactful on ramp to the spiritual practice of earthkeeping. 2) Earthkeepers Hub: Reconnecting churches with Earthkeeping across a spectrum of Christian traditions. The second facet of this initiative is a free, online clearinghouse with tools and resources for every aspect of church ministry - theological insights, sermons, devotionals, small group resources, videos, children's and youth curriculum, and more. 3) Earthkeepers Community of Practice: Connecting Congregations to build a Community of Change. As church leaders engage and come together around these Earthkeeping initiatives, we will nurture solidarity, connection and mutual support through online and in-person community and learning. We will also point to partner organizations who are supporting these efforts. Finally, we will walk with a group of 10-15 churches through this program as part of an Earthkeeper's Journey for collaboration and mutual learning. Through our work, we strive to create an environment that nurtures flourishing in the land, communities, and people's relationship with their Creator. We will multiply the work we are now doing with churches internationally, and expand it to elevate thousands more churches here in the U.S. as they are revitalized by the relevant and spiritually significant practice of Earthkeeping.
Project Name:
Thriving Congregations Earthkeepers Initiative
San Diego, CA
geographic scope: