Grantee Directory

Presbyterian Theological Seminary in America

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Project Name: Thriving Congregation through Senior Members in Korean Immigrant Church

Presbyterian Theological Seminary in America (PTSA) is the oldest Korean seminary in the United States, and as such, a main goal of PTSA is helping Korean immigrant congregations to thrive. This work will be accomplished mainly by focusing on the senior members of congregations whose population is increasing, in the hopes that with proper training, they can be an agent helping the congregation thrive. PTSA will engage with three main factions in order to equip senior members in a congregation: 1) help the senior members themselves to obtain vision and empower them to be an important part of the congregation, 2) train the leaders of the senior members to be equipped in practical aspects to help the fellow senior members to thrive, 3) equip and provide resources and networking avenues to the pastors serving the senior members so that they can help and counsel the senior members to be an integral member of the congregation. PTSA will accomplish these goals by providing seminars, classes, conferences, and networking avenues amongst the senior members, their leaders, and their pastors so that the senior members can be powerful agents for the thriving of the Korean immigrant church.

Location: Santa Fe Springs, CA
geographic scope: National
Contact Information
Contact: Rubin Kim