Grantee Directory

Presbytery of the Inland Northwest

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Project Name: Ezra 3 Project

The Ezra 3 Project will guide congregations in the Presbytery of the Inland Northwest to steward our land and buildings for community impact in a way that also aligns with our unique sense of mission. As many congregations struggle with declining membership and buildings that are underutilized, the Ezra 3 Project will explore how our land and buildings could be an asset to the community in order to support community flourishing. Rooted Good and Partners for Sacred Places are consulting partners on this project, providing curriculum and support. Congregations participate in a year-long cohort learning process where they work through Rooted Good’s “Good Futures Accelerator” curriculum and meet with other congregations to learn from one another. At the end of the cohort year, congregations have the opportunity to apply for a $10,000 seed grant to support a project using their building in a new way. Cohorts are organized by congregation size (50 members or fewer; 100 members or fewer; any size congregation). There will be a fourth cohort that runs parallel to the third that will be exclusively for our Nimíipuu (Nez Perce) churches. The first cohort begins in the Spring of 2024 and a new cohort will begin every 18 months. Our Presbytery’s priorities (established by the Leadership Team) have uniquely positioned us to do this work: Reconciliation, specifically with our Nimíipuu congregations; Stewardship, specifically of land; Supporting congregations as they seek to join God’s mission in the world; Supporting leaders called to start new expressions of church.

Location: Spokane, WA
geographic scope: Regional
Contact Information
Contact: Katie Stark