Surge Flourishing Church Cohorts will help congregations thrive by guiding them as they clarify their mission and ministries in light of diverse theological and missiological traditions and ever-changing contexts. In order for churches to bear witness faithfully to the gospel of Jesus Christ in a cultural moment marked by division, disparity, and disconnect, they must be marked by unified, self-giving love that only God can work among his people. Cohorts are designed to help churches thrive in this way by strengthening each congregation’s ability to: 1) Help people know and love God 2) Connect people in and beyond their fold 3) Mobilize laity to serve the broader community in their daily vocational life. These learning journeys will equip groups of pastors and lay leaders from congregations across the greater Phoenix area, representing a diverse cross-section of denominational, cultural, and worship expressions. Cohorts will meet monthly from August through May for three consecutive years. During these gatherings, participants will benefit from: personal prayer and formation retreats, intensives featuring top missiologists and practitioners, day trips observing ministry models in our city, and seminars for collaborative cohort projects. Each session will be interwoven with teachings focused on: prayer, spiritual renewal, healthy leadership, and how to inspire congregations toward loving their communities in the name of Jesus. Together, participants will seek to practically apply what they are learning to their ministry contexts
Surge Flourishing Church Cohorts
The Phoenix Metro Area