Grantee Directory

Saint Clement Parish

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Project Name: Engagement Pathways

The aim of our proposed program “Young Adult (YA) Engagement Pathway” is to play our part in forming the next generation of missionary disciples by developing a comprehensive pathway for inviting and forming young adults in a life of faith in Jesus Christ, equipping them to share the ‘Joy of the Gospel’ and mobilizing them to transform society. Through engagement in this pathway, young adults will journey with each other and be a part of (1) informal social gatherings, (2) thought provoking speaker-based discussion series, (3) non-judgmental introductory faith courses, (4) transformative experiences of worship and (5) service to those in need. Recent Barna studies on Millennials, GenZ and Gen Alpha clearly indicate a great opportunity to engage and mobilize young people. The same research also provides us with clear needs and questions that young adults are asking. By implementing this research and designing methods that are unique to these generations we already see great success in bringing hundreds of young people to weekly worship and engaging many more in weekly courses and connection opportunities. We cannot wait to see what God does next. This program aims to extend the work our parish has already been doing with young adults, helping us take our engagement programs to the next level and support the architecture of our program design, which can be replicated in other Catholic and Christian churches across the country.

Location: Chicago, IL
Contact Information
Contact: Nicole Zenner