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Samford University

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Project Name: Churches Calibrating to Thrive

The Center for Congregational Resources (CCR) at Samford University has been helping clergy and congregations thrive for 17 years. Leveraging Samford’s schools and departments offering resources in theological education and the practice of ministry and the CCR’s experience creating diverse peer learning communities of both clergy and congregations, we will create a Calibration Community consisting of at least 25 congregations from a variety of contexts within the Birmingham Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The congregations will be grouped in five learning communities based on their geographic locations in the MSA. A sixth community will be formed of congregations whose clergy are receiving instruction through Samford’s Ministry Training Institute, a program offering non-degree learning opportunities primarily for bi-vocational ministers serving rural Southern Baptist congregations. In addition to the cadres of congregations, we will create peer learning groups of clergy serving these churches. The goal of the Calibration Community is to engage a vetted group of diverse congregations in a facilitated learning process that taps their inherent agency so they may calibrate and/or recalibrate their missions and ministries for greater vitality and impact in their churches and communities.

Location: Birmingham, AL
geographic scope: Regional
Contact Information
Contact: Keri Burns