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Southwestern Washington Synod of ELCA

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Project Name: Cultivating God's Shalom

Energized by the sacred vision of Shalom - a just future where all belong - Design for Peace is an ecumenical project rooted in the Pacific Northwest that accompanies congregations in discernment and action as stewards of place. Cultivating God's Shalom is a project that is grounded in the liberative practices of sacred organizing. We gather grassroots congregational cohorts around Land Stewardship, Contextual Discernment, Climate Resilience, and Rural Leadership. We participate in and nourish an ecology of practice and resources around a vision of peace in Cascadia. In the next 5 years, we envision 10 new "experiments in Shalom" that make this vision real in community. Design for Peace is stewarded by Joey Ager (Design Lead), Rev. Shalom Agtarap (Accompaniment Lead) and Zoe Forbes (Communications Lead). This projects is rooted in the Southwestern Washington Synod of the ELCA with an intentional focus on ecumenical and interfaith collaboration in the name of peace.

Location: Tacoma, WA
geographic scope: Regional
Contact Information
Contact: Joey Ager