Grantee Directory

St. Andrew Lutheran Church

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Project Name: Renewing Reformation

Church Anew, a ministry of St. Andrew Lutheran Church, launched Renewing Reformation to help twenty congregations further clarify their purpose, practice a lived spirituality, and experience worship that matters. Renewing Reformation will produce worship resources that invite hundreds of ecumenical congregations across the country to encounter the Spirit of the Living God afresh in their faith communities. With an audience of 450,000 unique users, Church Anew will propel a multi-media testimony from ninety-five racially diverse and youthful leaders to call the church into fresh, bold, and faithful witness for a world in need. Renewing Reformation leads three key activities: 1) Renewing Reformation Coaching will pair visionary leaders with 20 congregations that are longing to thrive. Coaches will customize each coaching program with skill-building electives that help congregations and leaders grow capacities to better engage their communities. 2) A Reformation of Resources will launch from Church Anew’s robust leadership in producing ready-made worship resources. Electives developed in coaching circles will be offered to congregational leaders across the nation through in-person and online equipping events, broadening renewal in concentric circles like a stone dropped into a pond. 3) Project 95 will remember Martin Luther’s ninety-five theses presented to the church in 1517 by inviting ninety-five racially diverse young leaders to offer testimonies to what the church might become. This multi-media testimony will be amplified by Church Anew’s dynamic web presence and relationship with more than 1,500 ecumenical congregational partners around the country. From a core of 20 congregations to resourcing hundreds of faith communities, Renewing Reformation will ignite a grassroots movement to engage faith in fresh ways. Renewing Reformation will inspire an ecumenical longing for lived spirituality in ordinary moments, worship that resonates with the complicated questions of our time, and a clear sense of purpose for congregations and the people called to lead them.

Location: Eden Prairie, MN
geographic scope: National
Contact Information
Contact: Rev. Matthew Ian Fleming