A thriving congregation is a community in mission that has a way of seeing, doing, and being that frees its members to love its city and seek its peace with the Gospel of Jesus. The primary outcome of the Practicing Peace initiative is that congregations are freed up to help create a city of peace for all people, particularly the most vulnerable. Congregants will shed their identity as consumers of spiritual resources and become a community in mission, which helps create a city of peace for all people. We do this by using our incarnational design process and providing seed grants for the Pentecost of creativity emerging from the churches. This includes ongoing formation from our suite of resources. Our Thriving Congregations project will focus on 3-5 hubs (in the United States) that have already launched Preaching Peace tables in their city. In this time of restricted travel due to COVID 19, we may focus our efforts geographically in the Pacific Northwest. This approach will help us pilot and refine our model for our larger network.
Project Name:
Practicing Peace Initiative
Tacoma, WA
geographic scope: