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Texas Methodist Foundation

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Project Name: Thriving Congregations Initiative

The core purpose of TMF is “to empower the church in the achievement of its God-appointed mission.” There exists a gap between the world that God imagines and the reality of our world today. The church is called to that gap, called to do everything in its power to bring about a world where love and justice and hope reign. TMF is committed to helping the church be as strong as it can be, which requires a clear sense of identity and purpose and a relevant connection with their neighbors and surrounding context. The COVID-19 pandemic and related shut-down has accelerated the urgency for and pace of change for congregations. It is our desire to utilize a cohort-based model to gather congregations by affinity in order to create space and scaffolding for them to do the adaptive work this environment requires. We intend to gather congregations from rural contexts, suburban/urban contexts, and those who are specifically in ministry with those living in generational asset poverty. We would also like to gather a mixed ecology of faith communities, such as attractional congregations, missional-model congregations, non-traditional faith communities, and disciple making non-profits who serve in the same neighborhood. These cohorts, composed of teams from approximately six congregations, would meet six times over six months and with a hybrid of in-person day-long gatherings, learning journeys, reading, conversation, spiritual practices, experiments, case studies, coaching and other learning tools. The intended purpose is for these congregations to stretch and strengthen the adaptive “muscles” essential to thrive in these unique times and well into the future.

Location: Austin, TX
geographic scope: Regional
Contact Information
Contact: Lisa Greenwood