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Grantee Directory

TMS Global Inc.

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Project Name: The Immerse Project

TMS Global is an interdenominational missions training and sending agency with the goal of advancing the Kingdom of God among all peoples and bringing about redemption and reconciliation through Jesus Christ. Our mission is to mobilize and deploy the body of Christ to join Jesus in His mission, particularly among the least reached peoples. We recognize that local churches are the primary expression of the body of Christ, so we come alongside churches with training and cultural education that equips them to engage in outward-reaching ministries that are focused, strategic, and significant. Healthy missional churches are important to the Great Commission. We have developed a comprehensive program to bring congregations together in order to identify and develop culturally-aware leaders who understand and can carry out the congregation’s vision. Through The Immerse Project, a 16-month, cohort-based experiential learning program, we equip congregations to develop outwardly-focused ministries that serve their communities well. The Immerse Project will participate in the Thriving Congregations Initiative by guiding congregations in a process that clarifies and defines their mission and values, examines anew the cultural context of the communities in which they serve, and creates a strategic plan for healthy and sustained engagement in their communities. As a congregation’s ministries shift into alignment with their mission and values, the congregation thrives. As a result, the congregation can live out its unique missional calling from God.

Location: Norcross, GA
geographic scope: National
Contact Information
Contact: Sonji Y. Pass