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United Pentecostal Church International

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Project Name: Empowering Communities through Urban Mission Centers

Urban Missions is focused on building community and connecting local pastors in urban cores across the United States. It targets communities most affected by Covid-19 in the cities of Detroit, Washington D.C., Baltimore, and Los Angeles. The program brings together local congregations to create a more unified approach to serving vulnerable communities. We use a cohort format that provides semester-style programming for families (including life skills, education, business, after-school, ESL) and entrepreneurship development in these economically-challenged zones. Key activities of this program include: 1) Establishing a presence and resources to equip and empower leaders. 2) Establishing faith-based community programs whose work is supported by local congregations pooling resources together. 3) Establishing sustainable financing to provide funding for all operational needs of Urban Mission Centers, shifting from a donation-only strategy to purpose-driven entrepreneurial ventures. This project is led by North American Missions within the United Pentecostal Church International.

Location: Detroit, Washington D.C., Baltimore, and Los Angeles
geographic scope: Regional
Contact Information
Contact: Philip Harding