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Grantee Directory

Urban Impact

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Project Name: Thriving Congregations and Communities Cohort Ministry

Urban Impact’s vision for churches and communities is to see all people reconciled to God, and everyone engaged and thriving in community. Over the next 5 years, we plan to come alongside 20 congregations, 4-5 at a time, over a 10-month long learning process to re-examine their identity and mission, traditions, values and ministries. Using a Cohort model, we will equip congregations with Christian Community Development and Design Thinking tools and principles. We’ll listen to their particular needs and dreams, listen to God together, learn together, and build a safe place for them to co-create adaptive, relevant ministry responses with one another and those in their neighborhoods. The goal is for congregations to be responsive and reflective as they learn to continually engage with the evolving demographics, challenges, and opportunities within their neighborhoods. By intentionally building a deep support network within and across cohorts, we seek to cross-pollinate ideas and amplify each congregation’s ability to bear fresh witness and to effectively contribute to the flourishing of all in their particular places and contexts. We at Urban Impact are planning to continue to work with these congregations even after they have completed their cohort experience with networks, resources, coaching, and other forms of formal and informal support so that the good work that congregations embark on is sustained.

Location: Seattle, WA
geographic scope: Local
Contact Information
Contact: Eunice Lin-Sawyer