June 9, 2020
Melissa Spas: How do you fundraise and ask for major gifts? Don’t pitch. Nurture relationships first.
Fundraising is about forming relationships, sharing the mission of your organization, and inviting others to participate, writes the managing director for the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving.
learn more about Melissa Spas: How do you fundraise and ask for major gifts? Don’t pitch. Nurture relationships first.April 28, 2020
Do you need full-time clergy to be a vital congregation?
Don’t let the ingrained belief that only churches with full-time pastors can thrive keep you from making the switch to part-time clergy, writes an author who has researched the effects of part-time ministry.
learn more about Do you need full-time clergy to be a vital congregation?April 14, 2020
How is repairing the church like mending a garment?
A guide to clothing repair offers a useful discernment process for leaders trying to figure out how to repair a broken church, says a Christian leader who practices textile mending.
learn more about How is repairing the church like mending a garment?