November 14, 2017
Kara Faris: ‘Divergent churches’ are exploring innovative ways of congregational life
Across the country, creative, alternative congregations are doing church in unconventional ways, the co-author of ‘Divergent Church’ says in this interview. They may look different, but they are deeply rooted in tried-and-true practices of the faith.
learn more about Kara Faris: ‘Divergent churches’ are exploring innovative ways of congregational lifeNovember 14, 2017
Excerpt from ‘Divergent Church: The Bright Promise of Alternative Faith Communities’
In this excerpt from the introduction to their new book, Tim Shapiro and Kara Faris say that congregations aren’t going away, and neither is congregating. Creative, alternative faith communities are finding new ways to connect to the Divine.
learn more about Excerpt from ‘Divergent Church: The Bright Promise of Alternative Faith Communities’June 27, 2017
Excerpt from ‘How Your Congregation Learns’
In this excerpt from a new book, the president of the Center for Congregations describes how accomplishing new things requires organizational learning.
learn more about Excerpt from ‘How Your Congregation Learns’